Okay, what happened was this...

Monday, June 26, 2006

Some Junkies Have the Worst Luck!

There are a a lot of addictions. You've got the major ones: namely, drugs and alcohol. Then you've got the lesser ones: choco-holism, shop-oholism and a stronger than normal fondness for argyle. Robert Palmer famously sang of being "addicted to love" - an addiction that led to his untimely death in 2003 (although the press reported the cause to be a heart attack).
But of all the addictions, gambling has to be the shittiest and least gratifying. Think about it - if you're addicted to crack (and if you were honest with yourself, you'd realize that you are), it sucks - but you do what you need to do and you get some crack and you're set. (Most crackheads get money through one of the "3 Bs" - Breaking & Entering, Blowjobs, and Bake sales)
Bottom line, though their addiction gets fed....for, like, 8 minutes - but that's not the point.
With gambling, though, the pay-off isn't gambling, it's winning! So, unlike crack, where you KNOW you're going to get high after you smoke it (trust me!), when you start gambling, there's no guarantee you'll win. So for a gambling addict, not only aren't you getting your "fix," you're losing money the whole time! It's the double whammy!
At least with my addiction to Freecell, the only one losing money is my employer. And that kid I hustled and eventually strangled.


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