Okay, what happened was this...

Friday, June 23, 2006

It's a Hell of a Town!

As I was walking towards the subway turnstiles yesterday, I saw this black butterfly floating around, maybe 15 feet ahead of me. As I got closer, there was a guy walking towards me and the butterfly actually landed on his shoulder, right on the strap of his messenger bag. It lingered for a second or two before flying off again - and while the guy was completely oblivious to the whole thing, an MTA worker standing by him freaked a bit, because, I guess, it flew pretty close to him when it took of.
And I thought it was really beautiful and cool - because I couldn't remember if I'd ever even seen a butterfly in N.Y. before. And I felt that way for about a nanosecond, before I had my Crying Game moment of realizing that although I hadn't seen black butterflies in NY before, I HAD seen plenty of giant flying cockroaches. And I got the fuck out of there without even looking back to see if that massive roach was devouring that transit worker's face.
And I realize that the subway experience is basically a combination of the worst parts of urban living and the worst parts of nature. Where else can you can get attacked by a guy with a knife AND a cockroach the size of a bowtie.
On the plus side if that happened, The Post would have the delightful headline, "Mugged and Bugged!"


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