Okay, what happened was this...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I am a very savvy New Yorker !

On the street the other day, I saw these real touristy-tourists trying to hail a cab. There was a mom and a couple of teenage daughters. And the older daughter, who was probably 13 and who clearly had had enough of vacationing with her laaaaame family and, at the same time, was trying to prove that she was, you know, more "NY" than the people she was traveling with(she was probably wearing Uggs...I don't remember) -- steps out to hail a cab, complete with the textbook yell of "TAXI!" and the elevated, slightly-shaking index finger. And the taxi doesn't even slow down...because, naturally, it's already got a passenger in it.
And what's nuts is that I bet that family will go through the rest of their lives completely oblivious to the light system taxis use to let you know if it's available or not. They'll just think that taxi drivers really ARE crazy (just like in the movies!) and New Yorkers really are rude (again...just like the movies!), because nine out of the ten taxis they tried to hail just plain ignored them.
Man, tourists are fucking rubes! Hey - just like in the movies!


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