The Dogfighting Days of Summer!
I'm pretty fascinated with the trouble Michael Vick has gotten into for running dogfights. I just really admire the fact that, despite the trappings of fame and fortune, he's remained so down-to-earth and can still enjoy the simple pleasures -- like watching one dog tear another's throat out.
But come on, Michael! You're a multi-millionaire! Just because you're a cruel, blood-thirsty dirtbag, it doesn't mean you can't up your game and raise the stakes a little! The same way you now drink Cristal instead of Asti Spumante, you can also afford a better level of bloodsport! Get some peacocks to fight! Pit some homeless dudes against one another! Hell, with your money, go ahead and genetically-engineer some velociraptors! You can get a little fancy and still keep it real.
But Michael's not the only victim here -- if you think about it, the dogs are victims, too! (I know, it sounds weird, right? Dogs as victims? What's next, schnauzers as defense attorneys? Ha!)
The Washington Post had this to say about the sport:
Historically, dogs seized and found to have been part of a dogfighting operation are euthanized because their level of aggression makes them unfit pets and neighbors, according to John Goodwin, a spokesman for the Humane Society of the United States.
And I understand why dogfighting is wrong - it's cruel and barbaric and inhumane (you know it's inhumane because the HUMANE Society is against it!) And, of course you want to rescue the dogs from a potentially lethal situation like dogfighting. It just sucks that being "rescued" includes getting killed. It seems like the solution is worse than the problem, really. Because all you're doing is removing them from a potentially lethal situtation and putting them into a DEFINITELY lethal situation!
If you were a dog that was really good at dog fighting, you'd be SO pissed when the Humane Society showed up.
Why have we given up on these dogs? They could still learn to become gentle, productive members of the community! There needs to be some kind of activity to rehab and recondition these pups and steer them away from a life of violence.
I'm thinking midnight basketball
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